A Blessing in Disguise

Before moving across the country with my love, I had it all planned out how it was going to go. I had a job lined up, Oliver was cooking in the oven just fine, and we had begun packing everything up to be transported by moving company. Everything was going smoothly, until it wasn’t. I…Read more »

Social Media and Technology

Yes, I am that millennial mom. I document pretty much everything I’m doing on social media. Sure I know that there are a lot of different opinions as to what to post and how much to share and so on. But honestly, I love social media. I love being able to view people’s different aspects…Read more »

Until I became a Mom

I’ll start with this. There are many things that I’ve witnessed while being a preschool teacher that I would see mothers do, that I just couldn’t wrap my head around until I became a mom. I’ve seen parents wipe their kids noses with their bare fingers, or stick a pacifier in their mouth to clean…Read more »

Mom Bod.

I’ve posted previously regarding my thoughts on my body image throughout pregnancy. That was that. And now this, this is my mom bod post. I’m larger than I was before pregnancy, I still have my stretch marks, my tummy is a bit flabby, my hair is literally falling out, and my skin is dry and…Read more »

Getting in the Groove

It’s hard to believe that my little man is nearly 2 months old! It’s been difficult at times, but I can say that we definitely have a pretty solid schedule for the time being. Ollie’s days are pretty easy, to be completely honest. Thank goodness! Mama loves easy babies! I’ve definitely had my fair share…Read more »

Battling New-Mommy Exhaustion

It’s fair to say that being a mom is a completely draining full time job. My world at the moment is completely revolved around my son. When he’s awake, I’m awake. This includes 4am feedings, and every 3 hours after that. My blood has turned into caffeine, with my Keurig running constantly and coffee creamer…Read more »